New Era

11 septembrie, 2014 Lasă un comentariu

The story of the Whispering Land,
Crossed by never ending waves of sand.
Unforgiving paths filled with dangers
Your only friends are all strangers.

Twenty steps we took with care
Twelve prayers said, no despair
Twenty stairs leading to the sky
Thirteen stars, light up the night

Like Master Time we must endure.
Even if one might be unsure.
Keep an eye at his Apprentice, Death.
Can’t stop now, not a breath.

Categorii:Fără categorie


29 iulie, 2014 Lasă un comentariu

I dreamed a dream of sorrow pain
I dreamed a dream of silver rain
Of flight and fright, a story to tell
Of might and knight, of fame as well

I dreamed a dream of lustful love,
I dreamed a dream of darkened dove
Of beak and claw, a crow to fly
Of peek and maw, of reddish sky

I dreamed a dream of heartsin fear
I dreamed a dream of all things dear
Of greed and poor, a battle starts
Of need and more, of broken hearts

I dreamed a dream of cheerful joy
I dreamed a dream of childish boy
Of eyes and touch, a gentle kiss
Of lies and such, of broken bliss

I dreamed a dream, I’ll never tell
I dreamed a dream, I’ll never spell
Of rage and chasm, a lonely task
Of sad and true, of perfect mask.


13 februarie, 2014 Lasă un comentariu

What if you were to be drifted in a place you do not know nor recognize? What if the burden of solitude was so great that you would feel lost in your own jacket? How is it that you have arrived here ? Was it an accident? A moment of misfortune perhaps? Or was it the ill witted Fate ?

Who is it to blame? Could have happened to anybody, but alas, it happened to you. Oh damn this Poe fellow and his dark and twisted ideas! Now what can you do? Should you try to leave ? But where to ? This road? Or maybe this one ? Should you try the next exit ? Certainly not that alee there, looks dangerous, poor lighting and all… One must stay focused, and careful, all this silence is of bad taste. Can almost hear your damn heart, though not in a racing step but somewhere close to that.

So you start to wander around the streets, just stick on the road and avoid getting into trouble. Although it’s kinda’ hard given that you know nothing of this place. Just like in one of those bad horror stories… only this one can’t even keep you focused on the action. Where is the action anyway? You actually start to think that there is nothing out here. Where is that sudden change of pace with the hero(yes, that’s you) getting chased by some evil  and corrupt, sick twisted. . .  ok a bit carried away; chased by some spooky guy who’s shouting random things; as if he has Tourette syndrome. That’s a bit scary, you have to admit.

Anyway so you go on and look left and right, but how on earth did you get here? Did you fell asleep on the late night bus? Ok, but were is the bus ? Should you go back? Impossible, look back down the road, that . . . doesn’t really seem safe. So one can only go forward. Well, toughen up and go. How hard can it be ? Just keep on the right track; which by the way, which one is the right track ? Some signs here an there but never heard of these streets; some have interesting names like this one here: K. Amadeva. Wasn’t this a band from California ? hmmm, Oh, here’s another one: Cai Shen Street, haha Jackie Chan action now ? Whatever, the list can go on, it’s like this huge intersection with streets going everywhere. You gotta’ make a choice, after all how much can you just sit and wait ?

Ohhh, so on the Amadeva road ! Nice choice, or at least you hope. The street seems nice, clean and safe, mind your honesty isn’t this why you took it ? Oh, a Ladybug, how sweet. Well, at least you are not alone; (don’t count me, I’m just your conciousness). Look at it, so tiny, so innocent, so cute. How can something so small, have no fear? Or wait. . . does it even realize where it is ? Doesn’t it bother her? Damn it, am I putting to many questions ?

Sorry, lost it a bit. Now, where were we? Ahhh yes, the ladybug. The poor little thing, take it with you, at least you’ll feel safe. Put her on your shoulder, there you go, you two look nice together. Promise you will always take care of her!


Categorii:Fără categorie

In the morning

12 septembrie, 2013 Lasă un comentariu

I’m up, it’s 7, a lovely Saturday morning. The drapes fall from up above and are tricked here and there by a few rays of sun. I’m sleeping in a corner, on the edge of the bed. She took over it, she just conquered it and pushed me aside. But it’s ok, I don’t mind, I love her. I love to look at her when she sleeps. To stop and ask myself: what is she dreaming about ? where does her mind fly ?
I look at her and I … I cant find my words. She’s … a Lady. She’s my Lady. I got this smile on my face, she fell asleep with my French cuffed shirt. She knows I love it when she does this, I always did like to see her try on my shirts, to literally get lost trying them on and tell me from time to time how much she loves my perfume. Underneath the sheets I can see her hips, her chocolate skin is shouting at me, demanding me to bite her but I restrain myself. I gently place my hand on her cheek, take of that rebel hair and kiss her left hand just like the day she said “Yes”.
I love that she doesn’t stress herself with bullshit like make-up and nonscence. She knows how much I appreciate her for being natural, for not hiding behind a mask of mascara or a fake smile. She knows how brutally honest I can be.
I love her because she is the strongest woman out there. No one above her and she fears nothing. Sometimes I make fun of her saying she’s the Hitler of her employees. Her attitude is so sexy but imposes so much respect. You can tell by the way she dresses and walks. Wherever she goes she steals some compliments and turns around heads. Sometimes I think, what does she see in me ? I love how tough she is with everyone else, but when we are face to face, I can tell her voice is shaking, the moment she sees me her knees turn soft like she is going to faint, she is so innocent, so vulnerable. Somehow, out of the blue, that femme-fatale disappeared and all that’s left is a girl, an innocent young little girl. Like a teenager in love with a famous actor. I feel like I know every single secret of hers, that I can turn her easily with just a touch, that I can play with her whenever I want however I desire, that she is my victim.
But she knows best, she knows these arms of mine are made to hold her tighter and to protect her. She knows how much I love that people hit on her, just so I can have an excuse to abuse my jealousy and start punching some fools. She knows I would do anything for her, she just has to think of it. Like the time I gave her my Nike’s because her shoes gave her feet some blisters and I had to walk barefoot all the way back home. She knows I’ll always be there for her, that I will fall asleep after her and that I will…
Wake up in the morning, it’s 7, a nice Saturday and I’m here in my one-person bed… damn

Categorii:Fără categorie

O regina

14 iulie, 2013 Lasă un comentariu

De pe tinuturi departate
Ti-am sosit in brate
Regina de drept nascuta
Nu s-a opus nici soarele, nici luna

Slujita de muritori si zei
Eu, un alt banal, pe langa ei
Sta undeva sus si ne conduce
Regina tuturor, e nescrisa lege

Poporul o venereaza,e o zeita
Desi umila, o simpla fiinta
Fara magii, vraji sau puteri
Copila, cu frica si temeri.

Suntem prinsi in ochii ei
In inocenta copilariei
Pictati de stele trecatoare
Cu inimile ratacitoare

A dream

14 iulie, 2013 Lasă un comentariu

In sleep I heard her sing
Sadly, can’t remember anything
Who, or what she said to me
Couldn’t see, but certain beauty

Her voice said my name
In a mirrage of fame
Of when I was a King
And she was my Queen.

I. . . I think I know,
Wings like those of a crow,
A face of innocence
A most chilling presence:

„Follow me into the night
Wander through the dark light
Shivers across your spine
Fear the nothingness, divine”


22 iunie, 2013 Lasă un comentariu

Trecur-au ani si iar si iar
Fara ea, sec si amar amar
Ma-ntorc la a mea, umil umil
Usor, incet, tiptil tiptil.

Pierdut-am veri si veri
Fara ea, ce sa ceri, ce sa ceri?
Ma uit la a mea, in gol, e gol
Ochii plang, plini cu dor, de dor.

Fost-au reci zile si zile
Fara ea, langa mine, mine
Cu a mea aici, singur, singur
Te voi gasi, sigur, sunt sigur

The Lost

15 aprilie, 2013 Lasă un comentariu

A knight, no sword

A book, no words

Dark eyes, no light

So big, no might

Soft touch, bruised skin

An angel, his sin


Deep sleep, a thousand nightmares

Hundred friends, non who cares

Open heart, torn apart

True feelings, killed at the start

A voice, no sound

Lost, never to be found



24 martie, 2013 Lasă un comentariu

I’d like to take you away
While you sleep
Hidden from the light of day
Forever mine to keep.

The kingdom needs her queen
To rule over all.
Like her, none has ever seen
So hear my call

Commoners, peasents and royalties alike
Bow! As her fame
Pierces like the sharpest spike,
The little heart of M.

Old one

12 februarie, 2013 Lasă un comentariu

Before your feet,

My love, my sweet.

Behold! Your slave bows down.


And in his hands,

From other lands.

Brings you another crown.


For in far climes,

In bygone times,

Myself was royal too.


Oh, I have been,

A King, my Queen.

Who am a slave for you.